Should I Dye My Beard To Match My Hair?

Nowadays, men take care of themselves way more than they used to. One of the things men focus their attention on is the color of their beards and the color of their hair.

At first, it may not seem like a big deal, but trust me, many men are thinking about this.

Millions of men have different hair and beard colors even when they are young. Also, at some point in our lives, most of us will have different colors on beards and hair because of the uneven growth of grey and facial hair.

But, is this actually a real problem, or we overestimate it, and we should focus on other stuff?

In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about this topic, why some men don’t have the same color on their beards and hair, if this is actually a problem and how to fix it if you like.

Without further ado, let’s get into it!

Why Does My Beard Have A Different Color Than My Hair?

should i dye my beard to match my hair?

If your hair is a different color than your beard, keep in mind you are not alone! Actually, this is a very common thing!

Genetics decides the color of our hair. If you have genes for black hair, you will have black hair. If you have genes for brown you will have brown.

However, sometimes, you have both. Let’s say 1 gene for black and 1 gene for red. Black is the more powerful one, so you will mostly have black hair with random red hairs here and there.

This concept refers to hair growing in a specific area. For instance, facial hair.

Also, in different body parts hair grows in different ways and different genes play a significant role. Have you ever wondered why you have curly pubic hair but straight and more smooth head hair?

This is because not only one gene”decides” everything.

Likewise, the characteristics of facial and head hair, including color, are determined by slightly different genes. This is why your hair may be black, but you have a reddish or blonde/brown beard.

Should I Dye My Beard To Match My Hair?

The million-dollar question!

The most honest answer is it depends!

If you like what you see in the mirror, there is NO reason to change the color of your beard. For example, if you have brown hair and your beard is blonde-brown (quite common), and you like it,, there is no reason to dye it.

Needless to say that if you decide you want a different beard color you” need to dye your beard very very often. Especially if you trim your beard often, you will need to dye it as often as well (otherwise the natural color will be more visible). To dye your beard very often you need to use natural dyes to prevent damage

Read Also: How To Dye Your Beard Naturally (Organically)

On the other hand, if you don’t like the color of your beard and want it to match your hair’s color, then do it.

Grow a longer beard that doesn’t require much trimming, wash your beard smoothly, and generally make sure that the dye lasts as much as it can.

The thing I want to emphasize is that I cannot decide about you. This is not black or white.

If you are confident, you like your appearance, you focus on your purpose in life, and you do all the right stuff, there is no reason to worry about your beard’s color and if it matches the color of your hair.

Do this change only if you think it will make you more attractive and will boost your confidence.

I really hope you got what I am trying to say.

Moving on.

How To Dye My Beard The Same Color As My Hair?

man dyes his beard and hair

Dyeing your beard is not tough but it is also not a walk in the park. You need to be careful not to mess it up.

Here is the full process:

In short, this is how you can color your beard:

  • Choose The Right Color
  • Perform A Patch Test
  • Wash And Dry Your Beard
  • Comb Your Beard
  • Apply petroleum gel outside your beard’s outline
  • Wear a pair of rubber gloves
  • Open and read the instructions of your beard dye carefully
  • Brush The Dye Onto Your Facial Hair
  • Follow the instructions carefully to determine how long you will need to have the dye on your beard.
  • Rinse with water
  • Check The Results
  • Apply beard oil and conditioner

Make sure you follow all of these steps to get the best result. If this is the first time you will dye your beard, take your time to choose the correct color. Most men rush and they don’t like the ending result.

If you want to know how to remove your beard dye, you can read this article.

Also, make sure you have the dye on your beard for the right amount of time. Follow the instructions. Not giving it enough time will make your beard’s color lighter and obviously letting the dye on your beard for longer will make your beard darker than you want it to be.

Frequently Asked Questions

man dyeing his beard

Can I Dye My Beard Every Week?

Dyeing your beard too often can make your facial hair thinner and easier to fall. Of course, 7 days is too often and we highly recommend you follow the dye’s instructions to be safe. In general, organic beard dyes can be used multiple times a week while chemical dyes cannot be used as often. In short, if you have a stubble beard choose an organic beard dye to dye your beard every time you trim it.

How Can I Choose The Correct Color For My Beard?

Most men do not choose the right color shade on their first try. Try to choose something that will look natural on you. Even if you have some grey hair, dyeing your beard brown or black will eliminate white hair completely. Natural dyes work fine but for a shorter period of time. In most cases, men try 2-3 different beard dyes before they find the right one for them.

Read Also: How To Dye Stubble Beard Without Staining Skin!

To Sum Things Up

Today we discussed if men should dye their beards to match their hair.

This is totally up to you gentlemen.

My recommendation is to do what makes you feel confident and happy. If you like your beard and your hair there is absolutely no reason to change their color. Don’t care what other people think. You are awesome.

On the other hand, if you want your beard and your hair to have the same color (but not because others told you to do so) go ahead and dye your beard to match your hair. If this makes you feel more confident, just do it man!

It is that simple.

And…that’s it for today! I really hope you found some value in this article.

If you have any questions or comments feel free to post them below and we will be more than happy to get back to you.

Until next time,

Stay safe,


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