How to Go From Goatee to Full Beard

Making the switch from a goatee to a full beard can be a big decision. It’s not something that you can just do overnight – it takes time and patience.

However, many men do not like their new goatee styles and want to return back to their old full beard. And that’s ok! In fact, most men prefer full beards despite the fact that millions of men wear goatees daily.

First things first.

Is it even possible to transition from goatee to full beard? The short answer is yes!

But, how can you do it properly?

In this blog post, we will discuss the steps you need to take to make the transition from goatee to full beard fast without any problems.

I will also provide some tips on how to maintain your beard once you have it.

Without further ado, let’s get into it!

Goatee Vs Full Beard Comparison

So what really is the difference between a goatee and a full beard?

A goatee gets its name from its distinct look – it’s a patch of facial hair that grows from the chin and extends downward. Most men with goatees will also have a moustache. So they will have hair on the upper lips and chin, but nothing else.

A full beard is a bit more extensive; it’s facial hair that covers cheeks, chin, upper lip and jawline. A full beard also includes hair on the neck and front parts of the ears, but many men opt to keep their necks and ears clean-shaven.

A full beard looks fuller than a traditional goatee, so it’s often the preferred look for many men.

Read Also: Do Girls Really Like Goatees?

How to Go From Goatee to Full Beard: Top 3 Ways

from goatee to full beard

If you have a goatee and want to grow a full beard, you may be wondering what the best approach is to make the transition.

I put together three super simple steps to help you go from a goatee to a full beard:

Grow Your Cheek Hair

The first thing you want to do is let the cheek hairs grow longer and longer without shaving them. This can take two to three weeks depending on your hair growth rate. During this time, make sure you’re using beard oil and combing through the facial hairs every other day or so to keep them neat and groomed.

You might also want to grow some hair on your neckline during this step. It’s up to you how much or how little you want in terms of neck hair, but if you want a full beard, some neck hair would be great.

Once you have grown some cheek and neck hair, shorten the goatee so that it is even with the rest of your facial hair. This will give you a more consistent beard line, which is important if you want a neat and tidy look.

You may want to maintain a clean line on the sides of your beard. This means you will need to shave hair just below your eyes so that you have a clean line up to a certain point, then let the rest of the beard grow.

Shave your Face

Another possible way to make the transition is to simply shave your entire face. This is a great option if, for one reason or another, you no longer want to keep the goatee and wait for other facial hair to grow.

But, it is not my favorite. I prefer the goatee over the clean-shaven look.

However, so of you may like it.

Shaving your entire face will give you a clean slate, allowing the hairs that usually make up a full beard to grow in without interfering.

If you choose this option, you want to make sure you shave everything so that all parts of your facial hair will start growing at the same pace. This will ensure that you don’t end up with one spot of facial hair longer than the rest.

Maintaining your facial hair as it starts to grow will give you a much neater look and also keep it from becoming unruly. Use a good quality beard oil and conditioner to keep your facial hair moisturized. You should also comb through your beard every few days to help it stay neat and tidy.

Trim Your Goatee Shorter

The third way is a mix of the above two options. If you already have some facial hair on your cheeks, you can just trim your goatee until it’s even with the cheek hair.

Instead of keeping your lengthy goatee and wait for weeks for the rest of your beard to catch up, shorten your goatee and only a stubble goatee.

Then, wait for 1 week for your facial hair to grow.

Finally, trim your goatee again to have the same length as the rest of your facial hair.

After, all of this is done, congrats you have a full but short beard! However, it is full. And you can grow it as much as you like from now on. Your goatee belongs to the past.

This option is perhaps the quickest but also quite tricky. You have to make sure you trim your goatee perfectly to avoid having some parts of your beard longer than others. You can use professional beard trimmers to help you get a more even look.

Moving From Goatee to Full Beard: Other Useful Tips

There are other small details you might want to keep in mind when going from goatee to full beard.

Have enough hair to work with

If you don’t want to shave everything and start from scratch, make sure you have enough hair on your face to work here.

If you are shaving the goatee to match the length of the other facial hairs, you need enough hair on other parts of your face so you can easily blend the two and get a more even look.

Take your time

When it comes to growing your facial hair, patience is key. Allowing enough time for all hairs to grow will ensure that you won’t end up with an unruly beard.

Be mindful of the neckline

Another key element to keep in mind is your neckline. The lower part of your beard should be shaped according to your desired look; you can use a trimmer to get rid of any straggly hairs and make sure all parts are even.

Use good-quality facial hair products

Set yourself apart by using good-quality beard oil and conditioner for your facial hair. This will ensure that your skin and facial hairs are healthy and strong throughout the grooming process.

Final Thoughts

Going from a goatee to a full beard shouldn’t be too difficult if you have the right tools and enough patience. By following these steps, you’ll be able to transition smoothly and end up with a neat, tidy look that frames your face.

My favorite and faster way to transition from a goatee to full beard is the third option. I highly recommend this and I have made it work 3 times in my life.

Keep in mind that everyone’s facial hair grows differently, so it may take some time before you get the desired look. Be patient and enjoy the process.

At the end of the day, it is just hair. They will grow and grow and grow forever. Chill out!

You already look awesome.

If you have any questions or comments feel free to comment below and I will reply as soon as I can.

Thanks for reading.

Until next time,

Stay safe,


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