How To Dye A Beard White: [Ultimate Guide]

Are you interested in dyeing your beard white and you wanna learn how to do it either temporarily or permanently?

If yes, this article is for you!

Ho, ho, ho, it seems Christmas is around the corner. Christmas celebration is incomplete without dyeing your beard white.

However, the Santa Claus beard is not the only reason someone would want to dye his beard white. The process and the principles remain the same.

Also, whether permanent or temporary, the beard dyeing process remains very similar on both occasions.

But, how exactly can you dye a beard white?

In short, to dye a beard white you need to do the following things:

  • Wash your beard
  • Apply petroleum gel outside your beard’s outline
  • Wear a pair of rubber gloves
  • Open and read the instructions of your white beard dye carefully
  • If you have a black beard, you should bleach it first. It is not so simple to turn your beard from black to silver.
  • If you don’t have a black beard or the beaching process has come to an end, apply the beard dye.
  • Follow the instructions carefully to determine for how long you will need to have the dye on your beard.
  • Rinse with water
  • Apply beard oil and conditioner

For those of you that want a quick list of things to do here you are! But if you want to learn all the little details and tips about dyeing a beard white keep reading!

A white beard can transcend mere aesthetics; it can be a symbol of wisdom, a nod to folklore, or a striking fashion statement.

Whether you’re keen to capture the festive spirit of Santa Claus or make a bold style choice, our definitive guide will illuminate the path to achieving that pristine white beard.

Dive in to uncover the best beard dyeing techniques!

Understanding the Dyeing Landscape

Before venturing into the world of beard dyeing, it’s vital to grasp the underlying principles. Hair dye functions by adding color to hair strands or stripping existing color.

For a white shade, it often involves neutralizing your beard’s natural tones. But why the surge in white-bearded popularity?

Besides folklore and festivities, prominent figures like [celebrity name with a white beard] have spotlighted the elegance of white beards, making them a sought-after trend.

Why You May Want To Dye Your Beard White?

dye beard white

Trends ebb and flow, but certain styles become timeless. The white beard, once merely associated with age, has seen a resurgence in popularity.

Not only is it a symbol of maturity and experience, but in recent years, it’s also become a marker of avant-garde style.

High-fashion runways, celebrity influencers, and even tech moguls have embraced this snowy shade, proving that it’s more than just a seasonal favorite.

There could be many reasons why someone may opt to dye their beard white.

Changing beard color has become a trend recently, and we should say it is a nice trend. If someone is young and without grey hair, the most apparent reason to dye their beard white is when Christmas is approaching.

But if it is only about the festive season, and there aren’t any other reasons to color the beard hair white, we will recommend going for a temporary beard color that one can wash easily.

This way, you won’t have to worry about having a complete white beard for months and months or even dyeing it again.

But if you are thinking about permanent beard color, remember that you will have to live with it for a few months until the color starts wearing off.

Read Also: Should My Beard Have The Same Color As My Hair?

Now, apart from the Christmas reason, where you will like to get into the festive mood and look a little bit like dear Santa, you may think of beard whitening if your facial hairs are turning grey.

A white-colored beard doesn’t necessarily make you look old if you have a well-maintained physique and a face with sharp features. In fact, a silver beard makes men look mature and more sophisticated.

You may think of coloring your beard white if your scalp hair has already turned grey and you would like to match it with your beard hair color.

It is always a good idea to match the face and scalp’s hair for an even look.

Also keep in mind that coloring your beard is entirely okay, and it is a safe process. All you need to think about is whether to choose the permanent or temporary hair dye.

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How To Dye A Beard White Temporarily (for Xmas)?

dye beard white temporarily

If you want to get into the mood for Christmas, we recommend trying temporary beard hair color only, which you can later wash and take off easily.

Your kids would love to see Santa Claus coming to town! And Santa Claus without big belly and white long beard is not Santa Claus! Let’s be real.

If you don’t want a white beard to stay with you for a long time, then don’t try permanent beard color just for the Christmas celebration.

Read Also: Can You Dye A Beard With Hair Dye: [The Truth]

For the temporary beard dye, there are a few things that you will need. Take a look.

  • White color beard spray
  • An old t-shirt to wear
  • Petroleum jelly

Here’s the step-by-step guide that you need to follow to apply temporary white color on your beard:

Step 1: Pick a good quality white color dye.

Picking a good quality white color dye is a must.

Remember to pick the temporary ones. Read the label carefully, and do some research about the brand. Don’t pick the extremely cheap ones because cheap and unknown brands may damage your beard hair.

Step 2: Prepare yourself and wear an old t-shirt.

If you don’t wanna ruin your favorite clothes please be prepared and careful.

You can wear any t-shirt that you want, but since there is a massive chance for the beard color to ruin your t-shirt, better to pick one that you don’t mind ruining.

Step 3: Apply some petroleum jelly

Before applying the temporary beard dye, make sure to use some petroleum jelly on the skin, but not on the beard skin. Apply it on the areas close to the beard to keep them protected from the beard color.

Step 4: If you are using a spray, protect your nose and mouth.

Protect your nose and mouth is very important when you are using a spray near them.

Sprays are the best temporary hair dye products because they are less harmful than the color. Plus, the color will come off once you wash your beard. Hold the spray at least ten inches away from the face, and start spraying carefully.

Step 5: Let the first coat dry off.

Once the white color becomes dry, look at yourself in the mirror, and see if you need a second coat or a few touch-ups. If you need a second coat, just do it. But don’t overdo it!

All these steps should be done very carefully because spray beard colors are infused with chemicals, and if the color gets inside your mouth, eyes, and nostrils, it may irritate you.

If this happens, contact your doctor immediately.

Read Also: How To Remove Dye From Beard? [6 Proven Ways]

How To Dye Your Beard White Permanently?

dye beard white permanently

If you generally want to whiten your beard because you like the feeling of a white beard, then rather than going for a temporary dye option, we will recommend a permanent beard dye. Now, there is a mammoth of permanent beard dyes.

You need to choose the one that is branded, affordable, has good reviews, and also will color your beard hair perfectly.

A white beard can make a man look mature but not old. Too many men think that dyeing their beards in white color will make them look old. Hence, even if they have grey hair, they always try to color it back to the beard’s original color.

Read Also: Are Gray Beards Attractive?

It is all about how you carry your beard hair, how well-groomed your beard is, and how fit you are. These factors depend on making a person look old. White color is a bold choice, we agree, but not a wrong choice.

To color your beard hair completely white, here are a few things that you will need:

  • Beard hair bleach
  • Good quality white beard dye
  • Petroleum jelly
  • One pair of gloves

Instructions to follow for dyeing your beard white

dyeing beard white

Step 1: If you don’t have a light-colored beard, it is better to bleach your beard hair first. Once you bleach your beard, your hair will get colored better and easier. Usually, on dark color beard hair, white color will make your hair look grey and not white.

Step 2: After bleaching your beard hair, give it some rest, and don’t start coloring the beard right away. Let the beard rest for a while because when you bleach, you basically put in many chemicals on the beard hair. Allow it to rest for an hour or so, and then proceed.

Step 3: Now, it’s time for you to choose the right beard dye color brand. Since it will be a permanent beard hair color, we highly recommend applying only good quality beard dye. Never compromise on the quality because your hair will go through some stress and may start falling off if you are not careful.

Be extra careful while choosing the beard hair color.

We recommend Mehron Makeup Hair White (4.5 oz). This one gives you a natural shade of white and makes your beard hair look shiny. You will only have to apply it once or at most twice and you will be done.

Plus, Mehron Makeup Hair White (4.5 oz) is super affordable and the best Santa white beard dye through our testing.

You can also apply it with a toothbrush and it works like advertized. You can take a look below.

Step 4: Now that you have bleached your beard hair and picked the right beard hair color, it’s time to apply petroleum jelly close to your beard’s skin. Don’t apply petroleum jelly on the beard skin, though.

Petrol jelly will not let the dye stain your skin. That’s the point of using it.

Step 5: The beard hair color will come along with a pair of gloves. Most of the top beard color companies include a pair of gloves. If not, pick one that you already have. Make sure to wear it to avoid color stains on your palms and fingers.

Step 6: Take out the hair dye color and start mixing it properly. Ensure there are no lumps in the mixture. Give it a good mix until it becomes a fine paste. Start by applying the dye to one section of your beard. Once done, keep applying the beard color section by section.

Step 7: Read the packet of the beard dye carefully and apply it only for the indicated time. Some can give you a shiny white color beard in just ten minutes, while others may take around 30 to 40 minutes.

Let the color sit on the beard for the allotted time. Once done, look at yourself in the mirror and see if the beard hair has changed its color.

Step 8: Now, rinse your beard hair with cold water. Keep washing it until every drop of the product is out of your beard.

Check your beard in the mirror once again. If you are happy with the results, dry your beard, and that’s about it. However, if you aren’t satisfied, let it stay for a week; try the second layer after a week.

Step 9: Your beard has gone through a long beard dyeing process, which may make the beard feel coarse and lifeless. We recommend using beard oil once the beard is completely dry. This way, your beard hair is hydrated and feels smooth and silky.

You can check out our best recommended beard oil here.

Congrats! Your Santa white beard is ready!

The White Beard Chronicles: Maintenance & Care Post Dyeing

A pristine white beard demands meticulous care. Post beard whitening, the beard can feel vulnerable. Regular nourishment ensures not only the retention of the vibrant white but also the health of the beard.

Incorporate a color-protecting shampoo into your routine, and seal in the moisture with a premium beard oil. Weekly deep conditioning sessions can also help combat dryness and potential damage.

Remember, a white beard isn’t just about the color; it’s about the overall look and health.

Beard Bleaching vs. Beard Dyeing: What’s the Difference?

Even though the process of beard bleaching and beard dyeing is similar, there are some differences between the two, which you should know about.

Here are the differences:

Beard Hair BleachWhite Beard Hair Dye
When you bleach your beard, it will essentially strip the beard hair color.When you dye your beard hair, you will basically be changing the beard hair color.
Once you bleach your beard hair, you will give it a lighter shade.Since beard hair dye is available in multiple colors, you can color your beard in any shade you want.
Beard bleach process will completely remove your original beard hair color, and will make it look light yellow.Each beard hair strand will be colored, but the effect of the color will depend on how dark or light beard hair color you have.
Bleaching is permanent.Dyes could be temporary or permanent.

How long does white beard dye last?

The duration for which a white beard dye remains vibrant depends not just on the type of dye you opt for, but also on the care and maintenance routines you adhere to post-dyeing. For those aspiring to emulate the iconic snowy beard of Santa Claus for the festive Christmas season or seeking a longer-lasting transformation, here’s what you need to know:

  1. Temporary Dye:
    • Perfect for a short-lived Santa Claus impression over the Christmas holidays, these dyes will last from a single wash up to a few days. They merely coat the beard’s surface, allowing for easy removal when the festivities end.
  2. Semi-Permanent Dye:
    • Holding onto the Yuletide spirit a tad longer? Opt for semi-permanent dyes, which last between 4-12 washes. They penetrate a bit deeper than temporary dyes but fade gracefully with each wash, ensuring you don’t transition abruptly from Santa’s visage.
  3. Permanent Dye:
    • If you’re all in for the long haul and want to keep the Santa Claus vibe well beyond the Christmas season, go for permanent dyes. While designed to last until the beard grows out or is trimmed, even these can lose their vibrancy over time. Regular touch-ups every 4-6 weeks can ensure your beard remains as white as a snowy Christmas eve.

Factors Influencing Dye Longevity:

  • Beard Washing Routine: Emulating Santa Claus requires care! Washing your beard frequently might make the white dye fade faster. Rinsing with cold water can retain the dye’s freshness longer.
  • Choice of Products: To prolong your Christmas-inspired look, turn to color-safe or sulfate-free beard shampoos and conditioners. They can be gentle on the dye and extend its lifespan.
  • Sun Exposure: If you’re planning on being an outdoorsy Santa, remember the sun can cause the dye to fade. Consider beard grooming products with UV protection.
  • Chemical Contact: Taking a dip in a chlorinated pool or exposure to strong chemicals can strip away the dye. So, perhaps Santa should stay away from the pool post-Christmas!
  • Beard’s Health: Just as Santa takes care of his reindeer, ensure your beard remains well-maintained and healthy. A nourished beard holds onto the dye better.

So, whether you’re channeling Santa Claus for a day, a month, or an entire season, choosing the right dye and care regimen will ensure you rock the white beard look seamlessly.

To Sum Things Up

Christmas should be celebrated in the best possible way.

If you have children at home, then dyeing your beard white will make your kids super happy because you will give away a Santa vibe.

Whether you pick a permanent or temporary beard dye, depends on you, but the dye you will pick needs to be branded and of good quality!

Read Also: How To Dye Beard Stubble Without Staining Your Skin

The good news is that beard dyes are extremely cheap. Having said that, choosing a good one is very important to protect your beard and skin.

Silver beard dyeing will make you look awesome!

The process of dyeing a beard white is not tough but it is also not very simple for a beginner. So, please read every step again and again and make sure you remember everything.

And…that’s it for today’s article! I really hope you found it helpful.

If you have any questions or comments, don’t hesitate to write them down below and we will be more than happy to help.

Are you ready to be the best Santa in town this year?

Until next time,

Stay safe,


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