How To Make Your Beard And Mustache Connect: Step By Step

In your journey to manhood and your journey of growing a glorious beard worthy of poems and ballads, you might have stumbled upon a problem with seemingly no solution. The problem of a mustache that doesn’t connect to your beard.

This could be a problem because everyone suffering from the same problem could have a different cause behind it. From faulty genes to under-performing hormones there could be any number of reasons for the lack of enough facial hair.

In short, the most important factors that affect your mustache connection to your beard are the following: Genetics, Age, Lifestyle and overall health, Diet. Also, you need to be patient with beard and mustache growth. Let it grow.

how to make your mustache and beard connect

Don’t worry any longer. If you have tried all the possible ways and the connections are still not happening, let us help you out. There is good news for you.

This is a common issue that hurts bearded men. In this article, we will look at all the reasons why mustache doesn’t connect to beard in detail and tell you the ways in which you can solve this problem.

Let’s get started!

Why Mustache Is Not Connected To Beard?

why mustache is not connected to beard

So, you are wondering how to connect your mustache to your beard. This could be due to multiple factors as discussed below.

Lifestyle and overall health

Age – One of the common causes for not seeing enough growth in your mustache or beard is your age. Facial hair growth peaks between the ages of 25 to 35 and starts from the onset of the teenage years.

Now, this could happen slightly faster in the case of some individuals or it could happen slowly. However, if you are past 30 years of age, the chances of your beard connecting to your mustache reduce drastically and this would be likely due to the following issues.

Related Post: When does my beard stop filling in?

Genetics – Blame it on your parents but one of the common reasons for not being able to grow a beard is due to your genes. If the males in your family historically have little facial hair or have patchy beards, there is a high possibility that you’ll also have a similar appearance.

Genetics plays a major role in determining the facial hair growth pattern, including the ability to grow a connected mustache and beard.

The thickness, color, and distribution of facial hair is primarily determined by genetics and is influenced by the balance of male hormones, such as testosterone and DHT.

Research has shown that the density and pattern of hair growth is controlled by specific genes, with variations in these genes contributing to differences in hair growth among individuals.

For example, the androgen receptor gene has been found to influence the pattern of facial hair growth, with certain variations in this gene associated with a reduced ability to grow a full beard or mustache.

Lifestyle and overall health – An unhealthy diet never did any wonders for anyone and so it is the case for your mustache and beard. Unhealthy diets mean poorly performing hormones such as testosterone and this leads to impaired development of hair follicles.

Testosterone is the main male’s hormone which is the main cause of men having:

  • Deeper Voice
  • More Muscle Mass
  • Strong Bones
  • Increased Libido
  • Hairs all over the body
  • Lower Fat Percentages

and more…

Switch to a healthy diet full of vegetables and fruits and increase the intake of lean meat and other foods that increase the natural production of testosterone. If need be, also take external supplements of minerals and vitamins essential for the body.

Never take any testosterone supplement. First of all, it is illegal in most countries and secondly, you should 100% contact your doctor. It is serious and it can cause cardiovascular diseases, hair loss, hypogonadism, and more.

Patience – Different people have different kinds of mustache and beard growth. Inconsistent and patchy are just part of them. Hair grows at different rates and there is no guarantee that all parts of your face will witness equal amount of growth.

There might be parts with a high growth rate while some areas might be lagging behind. You have to give it time.

You can’t just grow frustrated after waiting for a couple of weeks and say that you have had enough. It could take months for patchy areas to fill in and all parts on your face to look uniform.

Related Post: Does shaving make my beard thicker?

So, you need to ask yourself some honest questions and give yourself some honest answers about your diet, your lifestyle and wait for it before drawing any conclusions.

How to Fix A Mustache That Doesn't Connect To Beard

How to Connect Mustache To Beard

If you have waited it out and considered all the options mentioned above and still find that you can’t solve the mustache beard connection puzzle, then it is time to consider the following options.

Let It Grow
Beard Care Products
Minoxidil Treatment
Different Beard Style

Let it grow – Things may not look good from the very beginning. This should not discourage you. Keep growing your beard and mustache for three months. What is the worst that can come of it? You have nothing to lose. If it doesn’t work out, let it be…

But, this is a no risk, high reward tip.

The more your beard grows, the more it can help to cover any uneven patches or areas with gaps.

Use beard waxes and pastes to cover up all the gaps and wait it out. Finally, there will be a time when you can go to the barber and ask him to get creative with what you have got.

Beard care products – A beard oil is a popular and safe option to nourish your skin and facial hair. Beard oil can stimulate undernourished hair follicles in your face and regenerate hair growth. It makes your beard more manageable and softer. 

Beard oil will improve the overall look of your beard. Along with that ensure that you exfoliate your skin and moisturize. Grooming tools such as a comb and a beard brush will help you to nurture your beard, ensure its optimal growth, and keep it from sticking out.

Check out our top recommended beard oil on Amazon.

Related Post: Should you comb your beard up or down?

As an alternative, you can use beard butter. Beard butter will help your styling. Also, it doesn’t make your beard look shiny which some of you may not want.

Minoxidil Treatment – Popularly known as Rogaine has yielded a lot of positive results for hair growth in the past and is also FDA approved in the US. However, you need to use this treatment for a year or year and a half before you see the desired results.

Bear in mind that in certain cases, individuals have reported feeling symptoms such as blurred vision, dizziness, lightheadedness, flushing, numbness of hands and feet, and swelling of face, hands, feet, or lower legs.

These instances are rare but if you experience any of these symptoms while using Rogaine, you need to contact your nearest healthcare professional immediately.

All in all, minoxidil is the number one substance for beard and hair growth as of now. It is not a product that will give you overnight success but it is the overall best solution if nothing else works for you.

Check out Minoxidil price on Amazon.

Micro-needling – Micro-needling is a procedure wherein a roller with minuscule pins on it, is moved over the areas where you want hair growth to occur. This procedure results in puncture wounds on the skin which the body sees as injury and immediately rushes fresh hormones via blood to the area.

This results in a regrowth of the skin in the area with hormone-rich blood. The result is stimulated hair follicles and growth of hair in the targeted area.

Its success will vary depending on the quality of their services. Make good research and look for results before you make your choice.

Try a different style – If there is no way that you see hair growing in certain areas, you can explore ideas other than a full beard and look at other styles. If you have tried out everything that we mentioned above and nothing has worked for you, I will ask you to accept the situation.

Before, you flip out and quit reading further hear me out. There are tons of different styles that you can try out with your existing beard and mustache.

Read Also: Mustache Gap: Best Ways To Fix It

Have you considered this ever? Maybe a beard OR a mustache will suit you better than having both. What about a goatee or a chin curtain?

There are many styles out there and you’ll be surprised to find the number of styles that are waiting to be discovered by you.

Give it a try and you won’t regret it!

You will be surprised at how cheap I bought the best beard trimmer that helps me do whatever beard style I want. You can check it out yourself and see tens of thousands of positive reviews on Amazon.

Why my mustache doesn’t grow in the middle?

mustache doesn’t grow in the middle

Mustaches not growing in the middle and creating a gap is not uncommon. The phenomenon is also aptly named the mustache gap. The mustache gap happens in the area called the philtrum of our body.

There is no single definite answer as to why less hair grows there for some individuals but it could be due to hormones or genetics.

Some people do not have hair roots in the philtrum area and thus for those who are willing to go for it, hair transplant can be one solution.

For others not willing to undergo the knife, there are simpler solutions such as combing the thicker parts of your mustache towards the center and hiding the mustache gap. Mustache wax and a beard comb will be your best friends here.

Check out our top recommended beard comb on Amazon here.

Irrespective of whatever solution you choose, becoming comfortable with yourself and your body is the most important thing. 

How to trim a beard when mustache doesn’t connect

How to trim a beard when mustache doesn’t connect

When your beard and mustache don’t connect, it is not the end of the styling world for you. Here are a few cool things that you can do.

Develop these three different beard styles and you’ll discover that there is a whole world of new styles that you can adopt. These will not only make you look and feel good, but you’ll also get the admiring glances of people around you.

Van Dyke Beard

Named after a 17th-century painter, this style of beard has survived into the 21st century and is still going strong. This style consists of a goatee and a mustache detached from each other. There is no other facial hair.

A clean-shaven face is important to pull off the Van Dyke look. You can use mustache wax to maintain the look and shape of your Van Dyke beard. For accurate shaving, you should read the information about top braun shavers.

Balbo beard

The Balbo beard look is another one that is perfectly suited when your mustache doesn’t connect to your beard. It is a beard that doesn’t have sideburns and has a trimmed floating mustache. The shorter the hair on the cheeks and the neck, the better it looks.

Anchor beard

Remember Robert Downey Jr.’s Tony Stark look from “Iron Man”. Yeah! That is the anchor beard look. For guys with a sharp jawline, this beard accentuates the beauty of the jawline with a beard that traces the jawline. The mustache completes the sophistication of the look.

These are just a few of the cool ways in which you can trim your beard when your mustache and beard don’t meet. As they say for everything else in life, turn your disadvantage into an opportunity.

Common Misconception About Facial Hair And Shaving

For some reason, there are thousands if not millions of people who think that shaving their beards will make them grow faster and thicker.

This is one of the most common misconceptions I ‘ve ever heard making men frustrated and disappointed down the road. As we have discussed above, the most common factor that affect facial hair and mustache growth is your genes. Additionally, your grooming routine, your diet and your hormones play a role but they are not as influential as genetics.

Shaving does not help whatsoever and no study proves that. Trust me I have made extensive research on Google Scholar and other scientific resources.


At the end of the day, you are the man in charge of your style and body. It will be your decision to make but instead of taking any drastic measures to connect your beard and your mustache, I would suggest that you enjoy the beard style that you have got.  

Before rushing into any solution, I want you to do proper in-depth research and find out everything that is there to know about the route that you are considering taking.

Give your body some time and show some respect to it. Invest in lifestyle changes and routines that will help you to achieve inner and external beauty.

Beard and mustache growth and thickness is affected mostly by genetics. Lifestyle, dieting and testosterone levels also play an important role.

In same cases, you can go for Minoxidil treatment, micro-needling or even beard transplant. But, to be honest, do these things only if you are obsessed with having a beard.

Otherwise, just accept yourself. You are awesome.

And… that’s it for today’s article. I really hope you liked it and you found it interesting and helpful.

Feel free to tell me your thoughts and comments in the comment section and I would love to answer.

Are you ready to develop a better beard this year?

Until Next Time,

Stay Safe and…let it grow!


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